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Blackshaw Moor CofE First School


At Blackshaw Moor we value each child as an individual with particular talents and needs. The aim at our school is to educate the children about Blackshaw Moor and God’s wider world to give them both local and global awareness with a view to broadening their horizons ensuring they are prepared for life in modern Britain. We aim to instil the love of learning through the experiences we offer.

Our curriculum has been designed with the following intent;

  • To be stimulating, challenging and fun with an enquiry based approach using quality literature.
  • To teach the children to live by the school values, chosen by the community, of trust, respect, friendship, compassion, courage and truthfulness.
  • For pupils to be able to make valuable contributions to society, taking account of the British Values.
  • Reading is prioritised as we believe it is the key to succeeding in all subject areas.
  • We have planned a rigorous knowledge based curriculum that provides enrichment opportunities to encourage diverse knowledge.
  • Learning is purposeful and given meaning through our topic based curriculum.